Text to speech (TTS) is computer software that converts the language text into speech. The Text to Speech Software (TTS) converts ASCII text or textual information into intelligence speech, which resembles closely to human voice. The latest TTS application includes voice enabled email and spoken prompts in voice response systems (VRS).There are numerous TTS products available like Proverbe Speech Unit, TexAloud from Next Up technology, Read Please 2000 etc.

Text to Speech Software

Text to Speech Software (TTS) is useful in the areas like disabled, education, consumer, computer interface and telecommunications. TTS is used to communicate with the user/customer where digital audio recording in not practical like storage problems or cost issues. It is also not possible for the audio recording to handle the application since it does not know what it will speak ahead of time.

Text To Speech API

Text To Speech API software is made up of two parts, - front end and a back end. The front end handles two tasks. First, it executes a process called text nominalization, pre-processing or tokenization which converts the raw text which contains symbols like numbers and abbreviations into the equivalent of written out words. Then the front-end assigns phonetic transcription to each word divides and marks the text into prosodic units - phrases, clauses and sentences.

The process of assigning phonetic transcription to the word is called grapheme-to-phoneme or Text To Speech API conversion. The output coming from the software's front-end is a combination of phonetic transcriptions and prosody information. The function of the back end is to convert linguistic representation into sound. In certain system, the backend calculates target prosody such as phoneme duration, pitch contour and so on, which is reflected in external speech output.

The text normalization is very challenging process. Text contains heteronyms, numbers and abbreviations that require expansion into a phonetic representation. The quality of speech synthesis systems also depends on the quality of the production technique which involves analogue or digital recording and on the facilities used to replay the speech. Thus you will be greatly benefitted with all that these settings will offer you.

Read More: http://indiattsoffline.blogspot.in/2016/04/how-one-utilizes-text-to-speech-api.html